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![]() ![]() ![]() Jimmy was Todd and Stephanie's first dog as a married couple. The adorable fluffy white poodle-terrier mix had been abandoned by his previous people, and Todd and Stephanie were determined to give Jimmy the life and love he deserved. Jimmy loved his walking adventures, first in the North Carolina mountains where the couple once lived (No leash! So many forest smells!) and later in the Piedmont Triad (Leash! Still so many smells!). ![]() On vacations, Jimmy enjoyed the beach, where he would sit on the sand, people watch and sniff scents coming off the water. To him, there was no better day than a windy day on the coast. Although he crossed the Rainbow Bridge in 2003, Jimmy lives on in Todd and Stephanie's hearts and, of course, in the name of their business. To this day, the face of Jimmydog Design Group and Jimmydog Pet Portraits is Todd's painting of a smiling Jimmy. ![]() In the Rainbow Bridge letters, Joey often makes appearances as Jimmy's trusted friend and constant companion. The two dogs didn't meet in this world but have been roommates since Joey crossed the bridge in 2015. ![]() Joey thrived as part of their pack, where he adopted the role of protector, always alerting them to the mail carrier's approach or other dogs daring to walk by their house. He took his security guard duties seriously, which sometimes made it hard for Todd and Stephanie's extended family and friends to get to know him. Although Joey was slow to warm up, once he accepted you, he was affectionate, loving and always up for a good heart-to-heart talk. ![]() ![]() Now joining Jimmy and Joey on their Rainbow Bridge adventures, Freddie crossed the bridge in 2019, just shy of her 17th birthday. Todd and Stephanie adopted Freddie as a puppy and she maintained her youthful appearance and vigor well into her senior years. She and her best pal Joey were inseparable and took seriously their duties as chief canine officers for Jimmydog Design Group and Jimmydog Pet Portraits. When Joey crossed the bridge in 2015, Freddie adjusted to life as an only dog, relishing the undivided attention. ![]() A well-behaved passenger, Freddie wanted to go along whenever Todd or Stephanie got in the car, and was rather put out on those rare occasions when she had to stay home. But she used that time wisely, catching up on her sleep. How Freddie loved to sleep! With Freddie's love of long naps, finicky eating habits and rodent-hunting skills, Todd and Stephanie were sure a feline lurked somewhere in her lineage. ![]() ![]() Sadly, Luna was a member of the Belcher pack for months, not years, but Todd and Stephanie loved her deeply. They adopted Luna from a North Carolina shelter in the spring of 2020, immediately charmed by her sweet spirit and enthusiasm for fun. Luna and Sally (the dog Todd and Stephanie adopted in late 2019 after Freddie crossed the Rainbow Bridge) made an immediate doggy connection - best friends from the start. ![]() Like all canine members of the Belcher pack, Luna adapted quickly to the daily schedule of drives and walks, and had seemingly endless energy when it came to playing with Sally in the back yard. But inside the house, Luna was calm and cuddly, content to nap and snuggle. Luna was a friendly girl, welcoming both human and canine visitors with enthusiasm and affection. She had a special spot in her heart not just for other members of the Belcher pack, but also for her dog pal Sam. "It was love at first sight," Stephanie said of Sam and Luna's initial meeting. ![]() ![]() As the Rainbow Bridge letters demonstrate, Jimmy is a smart, creative dog, but he lacks opposable thumbs and needs a little help getting his thoughts written down and delivered to his family, friends and fans back on the other side of the bridge. Jimmy is grateful to his muses and assistants:
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